Picturesque Stamford,
HE war for
the Union, in all its developments—through all its successes and failures,
its alternate hopes and fears, and its heavy drafts upon the fortitude
and resources of the people—was nowhere in the sturdy and loyal State
of Connecticut supported with a more prompt, determined and gallant spirit
than by the people of Stamford. The political battle of 1860, which had
resulted in the election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency, had divided
the citizens into two politically hostile camps of nearly equal numbers,
and the battle was fought out with a determination on both sides which
revived in all the memories of the sharp campaign of 1856, and in the minds
of the older voters, the still more exciting scenes of the Jackson, Harrison
and Clay campaigns of 1832, 1840 and 1844. But when, early in ‘61, it became
apparent that the dissatisfied Southerners were determined to ruin, since
they could not rule; the Union, there was practically, for the time being,
but one party in Stamford, and those who had so lately been arrayed in
opposing lines on the field of political conflict, now vied with each other
in practical and strenuous assertion of the principle that the national
Union must and should be preserved, and the supreme authority symbolized
by its flag should be vindicated throughout the length and breadth of the
It was fortunate
for the State, at this juncture, that the executive head of its civil affairs
and the Commander-in-Chief of its military strength was a man whose courage,
sagacity and patriotism were fully equal to the task of maintaining the
traditional honor and loyalty of the Commonwealth. In January, Governor
Wm. A. Buckingham called for volunteers to fill up the depleted ranks of
the active militia of the State. This was a precautionary measure fully
within the province of the Governor’s sole authority, and it met with a
prompt response on the part of the commanding officers of the local militia
company, the Stamford Light Guards, then under the command of Captain Lorenzo
Meeker. Later, when the war was actively begun by the rebel guns opening
on Fort Sumter, and on the 15th of April President Lincoln issued his first
call for volunteers, Stamford responded by a public meeting held on the
20th inst., at which, by a most fitting chance, ex-Governor Wm. T. Minor
was called to preside, and John Davenport, whose grandfather and great-grandfather
were among the foremost leaders in the Revolutionary war, was chosen secretary.
Thomas G. Ritch, H. F. Osborn, Rev. P. S. Evans, Rev. E. B. Huntington,
Jacob Kreig, G. B. Glendining, Lorenzo Meeker and James Betts addressed
the meeting, with one voice advocating a vigorous prosecution of the war,
and thus expressing in stirring language what was the practically unanimous
sentiment of the people. It was announced amid hearty enthusiasm that already
thirty of our young men, headed by Theodore Miller and Theodore Delacroix,
had signed their names on a list of volunteers. A committee, consisting
of James H. Hoyt, Isaac Quintard, Charles Brown, William Skiddy and Albert
Seely, was appointed to raise funds. Four thousand five hundred dollars
were promptly pledged, and thus early it was apparent by the most practical
proofs that the people of Stamford, irrespective of party affiliations,
were ready and willing to contribute their share of men and money to defend
the honor of the flag and maintain the integrity of the Union. As an expression
and symbol of this feeling, arrangements were immediately begun for erecting
in the center of the town a flagpole one hundred and fifty feet high, upon
which, on the Fourth of July following, Captain Skiddy hoisted the national
ensign to the masthead. The pole was surmounted by a truck—contributed
for the purpose by Captain Skiddy—which had been taken from the flagstaff
of the Castle of Vera Cruz, in the Mexican war. That historic old liberty
pole performed its honorable function through all the trying years of the
great civil conflict, and for twenty-five years after its close, until,
yielding to the tooth of time. it was replaced by a new pole in 1891. Capt.
Skiddy, who had been so appropriately chosen for the honor of first raising
the flag upon it, had himself, in earlier years, known what it was to see
that flag float in triumph over the smoke of battle. He was a midshipman
in 1815, on the U. S. sloop-of-war “Hornet,” Captain Nicholas Biddle, when
that vessel engaged and captured the British sloop “Penguin,” of about
equal weight of battery and some thirty more men.
The first
company was soon raised, and the people came to realize, as perhaps never
so fully before, the painful sacrifices to be involved in the impending
struggle, as they gathered to bid farewell to the gallant body of their
townsmen and neighbors who had been the first to offer their services to
the government. The words of sorrow, and yet of hope and determination,
which were in the minds of all, found fitting expression in a parting address
by the Rev. P. S. Evans, of the Baptist Church, the Rev. Mr. Weed, of the
M. E. Church, offering prayer. This company went out under the command
of Captain Albert Stevens, with Wells Allis as First, and Isaac L. Hoyt
as Second Lieutenant. It was mustered into the United States service May
14, and performed active duty in Virginia, and shared in the labor and
disaster of the fight at Bull Run. It was mustered out in Hartford August
12, 1861, its officers and most of its rank and file re-enlisting in other
State forces, especially in the Sixth, Tenth, Seventeenth and Twenty-eighth
In the meantime,
Captain Lorenzo Meeker, a militia officer of long experience, a competent
drill-master, and widely popular among the young men of the town, was engaged
in organizing and drilling a second Stamford company, and succeeded so
well that on the 25th of August he left for the seat of war with seventy-four good men in his command. His lieutenants were Chas. H. Nichols and
John Stottlar. Wm. H. Meeker, Martin Stottlar and Norman Provost, who entered
the service as sergeants, were made commissioned officers for meritorious
conduct in camp and field, and John H. Botts and DeForest W. Ferris, who
joined as private soldiers, were promoted to lieutenancies. Some of the
best soldiers, both in rank and file, which the town of Stamford sent to
the front, were found in Company D, and no Connecticut regiment performed
more arduous or more useful service than the gallant Sixth. It served principally
on the coast of South Carolina, and subsequently in Virginia and North
Carolina. In August, 1862, another excellent company, recruited in the
town, left for the State Camp, under command of Captain A. G. Brady; First
Lieutenant Chas. A. Hobbie; Second Lieutenant Marcus Waterbury. Before
leaving the State for the front, Captain Brady was promoted to be Major
of the regiment (the 17th Connecticut Volunteers). Lieutenant Hobbie became
Captain of the company, Marcus Waterbury First Lieutenant, and Edgar Hoyt
Second Lieutenant. Meanwhile Captains Frank R. Leeds and Cyrus D. Jones
succeeded in organizing a company each for nine months’ service in the
Twenty-eighth Regiment. One of these companies numbered 108 and the other
95 men when they left the village. Captain Leeds’ Lieutenants were Chas.
H. Brown and Philip B. Lever, and Captain Jones’, Charles Durand and Henry
L. Wilmot. The commanding officer of the regiment was Colonel Samuel P.
Ferris, a West Point graduate. and a son of Hon. Joshua B. Ferris. The
Major was Wm. B. Wescome, also of Stamford, and the Adjutant Chas. H. Brown.
Frederick R. Warner and Eugene B. Daskam quickly earned promotion and lieutenant’s
commissions in the regiment. In no regiment which served in the war was
Stamford so numerously or more worthily represented, and, quite appropriately,
the regimental colors were a special gift from the people of Stamford,
the funds for the purchase of the same being furnished by the late Hon.
Oliver Hoyt and several other of the patriotic citizens of the town. The
colors were formally presented to the regiment, on behalf of the donors,
by James H. Olmstead, Esq., a prominent lawyer of the village, and a ready
speaker, who gave stirring and eloquent expression on that occasion to
the patriotic sentiment of the people of Stamford. The Twenty-eighth was
mustered into the U. S. service at Camp Aiken, New Haven, November IS,
and three days afterwards was taken by boat to Camp Buckingham, Long Island.
From thence, in company with the Twenty-third Regiment Connecticut Volunteers,
they sailed for the South, skirting the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts until
they reached the Mississippi river, having in their crowded vessel sustained
a severe storm at sea. Its most arduous and magnificent service in the
field was performed in the siege and assault of Port Hudson in the summer
of ’63. Soon after the fall of that fortress, the Twenty-eighth’s term
of service having nearly expired, the regiment was ordered home, and returned
via the now open Mississippi to Cairo, where the men were transferred to
the railroad for their long journey eastward.
A count of
Stamford representatives in the military service of :he government by land
and sea, showed a total of 557 men up to September 20, 1862, including
the two companies then just recruited for the Twenty-eighth regiment. When
the second draft ordered by the government was made, October 27, it was
found that Stamford had 192 men to her credit over and above the first
draft, and had but six soldiers to furnish to make up the 198 men which
the second draft demanded. The third draft for soldiers was made in October,
1863. In Stamford 166 names were drawn; of these 104 reported, 47 were
rejected, 19 paid the commutation required and 8 furnished substitutes.
Though no complete company organization was sent out from the town after
the two full companies attached to the Twenty-eighth regiment in September,
1862, there were many recruits enlisted for the companies at the front
and for other Connecticut and New York regiments.
It is believed,
upon a reasonable estimate of the number of single enlistments in various
regiments and in the naval arm of the service, in addition to the company
organizations manned in whole or in a considerable proportion by Stamford
volunteers, that in all, from first to last, not less than 750 or 800 men
from Stamford, were for longer or shorter periods in the military service
of the government during the War of the Rebellion. These figures—more
than ten per cent of the entire population of the town—represent as full
a measure of gallant, self-sacrificing and patriotic service as any town
in the Commonwealth can boast. In connection with this, it is gratifying
to record here that the names and much concerning the individual services
of the soldiers of Stamford have been so carefully and appreciatively collected
for permanent preservation by our historian. Rev. E. B. Huntington, whose “Stamford
Soldiers’ Memorial” embodies the most worthy written tribute possible to
our gallant townsmen, who served their country in her hour of deepest trial
on the land and on the sea.
While thus
her sturdy soldiery maintained the traditional reputation of the town for
military spirit and loyalty to country, the general body of her citizenship
neglected no opportunity of testifying their devotion to the cause, and
of illustrating the temper and determination of a wide-awake and patriotic
American community, fully aware that their country was engaged in a life-and-death
struggle for its existence, and as fully resolved to do their share in
its defense and preservation. In its corporate capacity it performed its
part in a prompt, liberal and patriotic spirit from first to last, representing
by its action, on the many occasions of its meetings to deal with the questions
arising from the conditions and demands of the war, as fine an example
of sustained and unwearied patriotism as the records of any town in the
Commonwealth can show. As early as May 4,1861, the town, in a meeting legally
called, voted a special tax of 1 ½ mills on the dollar to constitute
a fund in aid of military enlistments, and of the families of “such volunteers
who have gone or may go forth in company or companies organized in this
town, during the absence of such volunteers.” A committee was appointed
to audit the bills of expense already incurred, and to distribute aid to
the families of such soldiers as might need the same; to each man’s wife
three dollars per week, to each child under fifteen years one dollar, and
to each widowed mother of such volunteer, three dollars. Furthermore the
committee was duly authorized to increase these amounts to such sums as
they might find necessary in special cases. This was but the beginning
of a series of votes of like nature which make up the town’s official record
through the war, and which show a total expenditure for war purposes by
the town from 1861 to 1865 of nearly $76,000. In this place it may appropriately
be added that many years afterwards, when it seemed apparent that a special
bounty of $100 each for re-enlistments in 1864, had for some reason not
been paid in the cases of forty-two soldiers, the town voted to pay the
same with interest, amounting in each case to $247.96, to the surviving
claimants or to their legal heirs. Such, in brief, is the town’s corporate
or official record in sustaining the war for the Union, and in dealing
with the men who went forward to the field of battle, and with their dependent
ones whom they left to some extent in the public care.
More interesting
still, if not more significant, is the record of what the people did by
individual action and through voluntary organizations in aid of the cause
they had so much at heart. In this phase of the patriotic spirit and efforts
of the times, we are introduced at once to the active and useful work by
which the women of Stamford bore their share of the burden which the continuance
of the great struggle laid, in one way or another, upon the entire people.
No pen may adequately report the sacrifices made by wives and mothers suddenly
called to part with those not only nearest to their affections, but in
many instances necessary to their support; but, in various other ways more
easy to record, the patriotic labors and sacrifices of the women of Stamford
were constantly in evidence. A notable phase of their work took form in
the organization of a “Soldiers’ Aid Society,” which was the direct means
of collecting and making effective use of between $6,000 and $7,000 in
supplying comforts for the soldiers in the field and aid for the sick and
wounded in the hospitals, especially the nearest great military hospital
on David’s Island. Nor was this all. Much of the money collected was spent
for materials of clothing, stockings, etc., and the labor voluntarily contributed
in making these up was even a larger contribution in actual value than
the cash amount itself. To the loyal women of Stamford is also chiefly
due the success which attended the Soldiers’ Aid Fair, in Seely’s Hall,
in the summer of 1864, by which the sum of $3,500 in cash was raised for
the patriotic purposes of the Soldiers’ Aid Society. The people of Stamford
had contributed, within a couple of weeks previous, the sum of $1,700 in
aid of the work of the U. S. Christian Commission, and $1,000 for the benefit
of the people of East Tennessee, who were greatly impoverished and oppressed
on account of their refusal to join the cause of the rebellion.
The men of
the town of Stamford—both those who went to the front as soldiers, and
those who constituted the great body of its representative citizenship
at home—met every call of duty in a spirit entirely worthy of the town’s
patriotic traditions. When. in the mid-summer of 1862, President Lincoln’s
call for three hundred thousand men, following the events of a year which
had made the gigantic nature of the task in which the nation had engaged
only too manifest, a crowded meeting gathered in Seely’s Hall, pursuant
to public invitation, and manifested in ail its proceedings a patriotic
determination to rise to the full height of the necessities of the occasion,
be they what they might. Speeches brimming with the aroused patriotism
of the day were made by the most eloquent of our cleric and lay orators,
in the midst of an enthusiasm unparalleled in its earnest manifestations
in the whole history or the war—so far as the history of the town of Stamford
is concerned—arid the sum of three thousand dollars promptly subscribed,
indicated still more pointedly the determination of the people. At this
most significant of Stamford’s several war meetings, George Elder, Esq.,
presided, with the following list of Vice Presidents: Charles Hawley, Truman
Smith, A. N. Holly, George A. Hoyt, S. B. Provost, William T. Minor, Oliver
Hoyt, William Skiddy, Wells R. Ritch, Isaac Quintard, Joseph B. Hoyt, Theodore
Davenport, John Ferguson, Smith Weed, Charles Williams, H. K. Skelding,
John B. Reed, Charles Pitt, J. B. Ferris, E. Po Whitney, Thomas Crane,
Charles Hendrie, William R. Fosdick, Charles J. Starr, Morgan Morgans,
James H. Hoyt, James B. Scofield, Oliver Scofield, Thomas Gardner, Seymour
Hoyt, Nathaniel E. Adams, J. H. Carrington, J. W. Hubbard, J. D. Weeks,
Alfred Hoyt, S. B. Thompson, T. S. Hall, John B. Knapp, G. F. Nesbitt,
Lyman Lockwood, John Hecker and Charles H. Scofield. The Secretaries of
the meeting were D. H. Clark, F. R. Leeds, George E. Scofield, and Francis
M. Hawley. Among the speakers were Ex-Governor William T. Minor, Rev. Walter
Mitchell, Col. William H. Noble, Thomas G. Ritch and J. H. Olmstead.
It was an
hour of exultation, not then for victories achieved nor for a near prospect
of peace, but rather with a grand sense of the sacrifices yet to be made,
and a determination. which imbued and enthused every mind, to meet the
country’s occasion with a spirit capable of any sacrifice. Representative
men of both of the great national political parties were prominent at the
meeting, and for the time joined hands with equal loyalty and a common
purpose to raise the insulted flag again over every stronghold in the South.
But other hours were to come—hours of depression and discouragement, which
were to apply a still more trying test to the patriotism of the people.
The early months of 1863 constituted such a period. It was perhaps the
darkest hour of the war, from the stand-point of Connecticut patriotism.
In the previous September, at the indecisive but grevious slaughter of
Antietam, no less than one hundred and thirty-six Connecticut soldiers
lay dead on the field of strife, and four hundred and sixty-six were suffering
from wounds. The useless slaughter of Fredericksburg had followed in December,
and almost with the news of the Fredericksburg fight, had come the story
of Kingston Bridge, in North Carolina, where, of the three hundred and
sixty-six officers and men of the Tenth Connecticut who were in the engagement,
one hundred and six were killed or wounded, and these included several
of the men who had but lately left Stamford and Greenwich amid the tears
and prayers, the hopes and fears of their families and friends. The spring
campaign of ’63 opened with the stupendous disaster of Chancellorsville.
The turn of the tide when the fall of Vicksburg and the national triumph
at Gettysburg were to add a new historical glory and significance to the
Fourth of July, were yet in the unknown and clouded future, and, meanwhile;
the political party opposed to the administration of President Lincoln,
spared no effort to secure a return to power, upon a platform of practical
opposition to the war, whose success at that crisis in affairs would have
unquestionably postponed, if not made forever impossible the triumph of
the Union cause. It was in such circumstances the political battle was
joined in Stamford, in common with the rest of the State, in the spring
election of 1863. After a campaign of unprecedented intensity, William
A. Buckingham, who represented a vigorous prosecution of the war, and an
unyielding purpose to sustain the hands of President Lincoln, was declared
the choice of the people of Stamford for Governor by a vote of 555, to
551 for Thomas H. Seymour, the candidate of the reactionary party. Later
in the year the national prospects in the South had been splendidly improved
by the achievements of General Grant and his able lieutenants, and in the
alternation of hope and apprehension in loyal breasts, the former grew
brighter and stronger, until Lincoln’s re-election proclaimed the doom
of the Confederacy, and the surrender of Lee, at Appomatox, in the spring
of 1865, announced the triumphant end of the great civil war. The people
of Stamford shared in the national rejoicing over the victory, as they
had, relatively to their numbers and means, fully shared in its achievement,
and the town received back her returning volunteers with unstinted welcome.
The town shared, too, in the national mourning which too quickly followed,
for the death, at the hands of a vile assassin, of the great and good Lincoln,
whose inscrutable fate it was to fall by a murderous bullet in the first
month of a new four years’ term of the Presidency, and which promised so much
of personal distinction to him and benefit to his country, through services
which, in the circumstances, none could more wisely resolve or more ably
render than he. The people’s rejoicing over the successful close of the
war, thus so sadly checked, found expression later with the recurrence
of Independence Day, in July, in the form of the most elaborate celebration
of the “Glorious Fourth” which the town had known for many years, and which
in every circumstance of the widest popular enthusiasm and interest has
not been fully paralleled from that day to the present.
We shall hardly
expect the war period, nor the years immediately following, of slow recovery
from its enormous material losses, to be prolific in incidents of growth
and business progress in the town. Nevertheless, the period was not without
many notable changes for the better in the business aspect and general
appearance of the village. From the ruins of the most important business
block on Main Street, destroyed by fire, January 11, ’61, arose, the same
year, the most pretentious brick building of which the borough center could
theretofore boast. In 1861, also, the imposing “Seely’s Hall” building
was finished, and the first public meeting held therein August 15. It has
done much good service in the town ever since, and in recent years has
been greatly improved and modernized, in the appearance of its store fronts,
etc,. by the present owner, Mr. Charles F. Miller. The brick building then
known as Hoyt’s Hall (now the Masonic Hall) was also substantially completed
in ’61. and first opened for public uses in January, ’62. About this period,
also, the Weed jewelry store was added to the list of modern business buildings
in the village. In 1867 the railroad company’s new depot building was finished.
and the following year a notable addition was made to the business center
by the completion of the building now occupied by the Stamford Trust Co.
These. together with the store now occupied by John Unckles, built in 1843,
the Morrison building (formerly the Assembly Rooms) built in 1844, and
a modest brick building in the vicinity of West Park, constituted the entire
showing of the village in brick business buildings up to the construction
of the present Town Hall in 1870, a year from which may be dated two decades
of progress, expansion, and change such as the town had never before known
in its annals, and during which it emerged from the rural village stage
of existence, which had always characterized it, and assumed the aspect
of a busy cosmopolitan American city, with all their diversity of race
origin, of social habits and customs, of religious and denominational views,
of political activities and prejudices, but all, we may confidently believe,
owning a common allegiance and devotion to the flag of the United States,
and equally ready to stand in its defense against the world.
The Stamford & New
Canaan Railroad Company was organized in the fall of 1866, and within a
year the road was open for traffic. The next year the old town house, which
had visibly outgrown its usefulness, was sold by the town to private owners,
and removed to River Street, where it was made over into a dwelling. In
1868, the Stamford Water Company was organized, and in October of the same
year the Yale Lock Company began its first factory building here. These
two events proved to be significant harbingers of the new era of material
expansion and progress which in the course of a few years was to lead to
such important results in that direction. The former was indispensible
to the growth of the town in the last twenty years, and the latter, by
the large and steady expansion of its manufacturing operations, from its
modest beginning, in 1869, to that magnificent measure of business achievement
which requires the regular daily service of one thousand persons within
the walls of its Works in 1892, has contributed more by far than any single
influence or interest to the growth of Stamford in the last two decades
of its history.
Early in 1869
a series of town meetings were held in reference to the building of a Town
Hall. The subject was justly regarded as one of large importance, for it
was felt that the time had come when such a building, if built at all,
must be of such a character as would involve a large expense. The project
met with earnest opposition, but, after considerable discussion, was finally
endorsed by a decided majority of the citizens. In the last month of the
preceding year, the town voted to purchase the old Universalist Church
building—which then stood at the corner of Atlantic and Main Streets—and
some adjoining property on the south of the church lot and fronting on
Atlantic and Bank Streets. An attempt was made by the opponents of the
project, in January, 1869, to have this vote rescinded, but the meeting
called for the purpose, and largely attended, voted by a decisive majority
in favor of the Town Hall project, appointing a committee to procure definite
figures of the cost of the site required. That committee reported, at the
annual town meeting following, that they had secured the lease of the Universalist
Church (the land being owned by the town) for $6,000, and the adjoining
property owned by William A. Lockwood, for $8,500. The report was adopted,
and the town thus became fully committed to the policy of building. At
the same meeting, the town voted an appropriation of $10,000 to consummate
a reform in the methods of caring for the inmates of the town poor house,
whom it was shown with urgency and force by J. H. Olmstead, Esq.; and other
philanthropic citizens, were housed and maintained in a manner lamentably
inconsistent with the civilization of the times. The result was the building
of a spacious modern house, on the town farm at North Stamford, and a correspondingly large
advance in the conditions of convenience and comfort for those whom fault
or misfortune had compelled to seek asylum and shelter in the public charity.
Another important local improvement, dating from about this period of the
town’s history, was the enlargement of the old Canal. The idea of keeping
its navigation open to its former head, north of the railroad, was permanently
abandoned, and a large investment of money was made by J. B. Hoyt, J. D.
Warren and others, in widening and deepening the channel as far as the
present head of that waterway, which in former years had been so closely
associated with the marine commerce of the port. The enterprise of Messrs.
Hoyt and Warren constituted an important benefit to the southern part of
the village, especially in filling in the lands adjacent to the canal on
the west side, and reclaiming them from their original condition of salt
meadows, and making them available for building and manufacturing purposes.
This enterprise, in conjunction with the extensive building and street
making improvements of George A. Hoyt, extending over a series of years
in that quarter of the town, contributed an essential influence in the
development of the village known as Hoytville or South Stamford. The Canal
enterprise ,vas so far completed by the beginning of 1870, that on the
7th of January of that year the Stamford steamer, “Shippan” was enabled
to navigate the Canal as far as the present steamboat dock, which ever
since has been the principal headquarters of daily steamboat service between
Stamford and New York.
The latter
part of the year 1868 witnessed the removal of the “Webb
Tavern,” better known to later generations as the “old Washington
House,” so called from a traditional belief that General Washington put
up there during one or more of his several journeys to eastern New England.
It is at least probable that the old house had the honor of sheltering the
colonial commander-in-chief, most probably in 1775, when Washington traveled
through Connecticut on his way to take command of the Revolutionary army in
Massachusetts. It was in front of the Webb tavern, in 1775, the Stamford patriots
burned the “Bohea tea” after, with due ceremony and to the sound
of fife and drum marching in procession up and down the Main street. Undoubtedly
General Israel Putnam, General Lee and other military leaders of the Revolution,
were at times housed in the Webb tavern. It was in design and finish a good
type of the Connecticut village inn of a century ago, and for its various associations
and venerable age was an interesting object lesson in our local history. An
engraving from a photograph taken a short time previous to its demolition in
1868 appears above.
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Picturesque Stamford, 1892
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